At 2:35am, McKenna Arlene took her first breath. She weighs 1lb 12oz. We’re not sure exactly how long she is yet since right now that is the least of their worries. She is currently on a vent but is breathing quite a bit on her own. Her body is very pink and she is doing very well. We just met with the doctor and at this point, her vitals are extremely good.
Suzanne is doing well also. She is in a lot of pain right now due to the C-section. She is currently on pain meds and an IV. She had what is called a “classical” C-section where they cut her up and down. There was a lot of scar tissue from when Ian was born and they think that could be adding to Suzanne’s pain.
I will create a link to a couple of the pictures that we already have of our little lady.
Please continue to pray for the 3 of us, especially my 2 girls. That’s kinda fun to say!
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