Baby Is Here


What A Ham

McKenna continues to do very well with her eating, growing, and changing every day. The smiles are coming more regularly now. We got an email today with the first professional portraits that McKenna has ever had taken. They are pretty darn cute of course and hopefully the next pictures we have taken there will be more facial expressions. If you'd like to check them out, here are the instructions.

To get to McKenna's pictures, click the link below and enter customer name (Suzanne Felton)
I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we have. We have ordered pictures for our immediate family, but if anyone else would like to order any, you can follow the instructions on the left side. Take care and love to all.


On A Roll

Last night when I returned home from bowling, Suzanne had the video camera out and told me to look at what she recorded. At first, I thought that maybe she said daddy or something like that, but it turns out that she had learned to roll from belly to back. We were both very shocked especially since she did it 4 or 5 times. After checking a couple websites about ‘Your baby’s first year milestones’ she’s not supposed to be doing this until 4 to 5 months. She is actually that old, but since we to go by her “corrected age” she is actually only 7 weeks corrected, she is way ahead of her time. We also had a couple doctor’s appointments yesterday. She met with Dr. Nau and he is pleased with her progress. He especially liked seeing that she weighed in at 8lbs. 14oz. Almost 9lbs!! I think she is in a major growth spurt. We also had a NICU follow up appointment where they checked her hearing in the left ear where they were seeing fluid. She is still having that problem but everyone involved believes it will clear. We also took her up to her old stomping grounds. We brought her up to the NICU to show her off to all the wonderful people that helped her get this far. It was very odd being back up there, but it was great knowing that we just there for a visit. Anyway, that’s all for now, take care.


WalkAmerica 2006

Sorry about the long delay in posts, but we have come to use our time and energy in a different way these days. McKenna has now been home for a little over a month. I can’t believe it’s been that long already. We had her weighed last week and she was up to 8lbs. 1oz. She continues to eat well for us, especially at night. I think she enjoyed her first Easter even though she was sound asleep a better part of the day. We think that is her little way of “tuning out” all of the other distractions because once I got her home, she was wide awake and very fussy. The Ohrt family did enjoy seeing her and she got passed around plenty. Last night when we were giving her a bath, we both took a step back and admired how much she has grown since we’ve brought her home. It sounds kind of goofy, but it’s quite rewarding in certain ways to put clothes in the “Too Small” bin. Outfits that she used to be able to swim in are now tight and on their last trip into her wardrobe.

Now, onto the next order of business, I have put a link on the right side of the website titled “WalkAmerica 2006”. Suzanne and McKenna will be participating in this walk for the March of Dimes. You can access the webpage that Suzanne has set up using the link or by going to If you would like to donate, that is great, but more than anything, we would like to have you walk with the girls. But, go to the website and check out the details on the walk and decide what you’d like to do. We will also be participating in the motorcycle ride this year and we’ll be collecting donations for that. So, the more the merrier for the walk, I know there are quite a few people already participating so it should be a good time. Take care and we hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.


McKenna Volume 3

If you look real close, I have added a new volume for pictures. I have decided to start a new volume of pictures taken and HOME!! She is eating really well for us and gaining weight really well. As of 3/31 she weighed 7lbs 10oz at Dr. Nau's office. There hasn't been any change in her eyes and the doctors still aren't convinced that she needs the laser surgery. Everything else is going well at home except when we lay her down at night. She sleeps well during the day, but once it's time for bed, she is wide awake and sometimes until 3 or 4 A.M. Needless to say, Suzanne has been running on empty for the last couple days. Thankfully she slept really well last night. Not much else new besides empty bottles, dirty diapers. We still have plenty of openings in May. If any of you would like to volunteer, we would certainly appreciate it. Enjoy the new pictures. Love to all.

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