Baby Is Here


McKenna Volume 3

If you look real close, I have added a new volume for pictures. I have decided to start a new volume of pictures taken and HOME!! She is eating really well for us and gaining weight really well. As of 3/31 she weighed 7lbs 10oz at Dr. Nau's office. There hasn't been any change in her eyes and the doctors still aren't convinced that she needs the laser surgery. Everything else is going well at home except when we lay her down at night. She sleeps well during the day, but once it's time for bed, she is wide awake and sometimes until 3 or 4 A.M. Needless to say, Suzanne has been running on empty for the last couple days. Thankfully she slept really well last night. Not much else new besides empty bottles, dirty diapers. We still have plenty of openings in May. If any of you would like to volunteer, we would certainly appreciate it. Enjoy the new pictures. Love to all.


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