Baby Is Here


Just Venting...

Back and forth has been the story the past two days. Dr. Nau switched her to the conventional vent on Tuesday. This was the same vent she started out on. It gives her longer breaths, forces her to breathe more on her own, and is easier to wean her from this vent. Clinically, she showed no problems with the change but her blood gas results weren't as good as previous. They made some adjustments but were not satisfied so the doctor placed her back on the oscillator today. The oscillator gives McKenna short puffs or air and this is not considered a step back, it is important to protect her lungs. She is doing great with feedings and her calorie intake keeps rising. She is now on 8cc every 3 hours and usually doesn't have much left over. She is weighing in at 760 grams or 1 lb 11 oz. We hope she hits and maintains birth weight soon.


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