Baby Is Here


2 Weeks Old

This morning at 2:35am, McKenna Arlene Felton turned 2 weeks old. Suzanne and I are so happy to be at this point with our little girl. Here is her current status as of this very snowy December morning.

She is still on the oscillator vent (short puffs of air) to help her breath. There is the tube in her belly to help her keep the bile/stool out of her tummy. She is getting very valuable nutrition through her IV and currently not getting any of mommy’s milk due to her intestinal issues. McKenna is also receiving lipids (fat) to help her get big, and she is also on insulin to keep her blood sugar under control due to the high volume of sugar she is receiving. Since she does have the trouble with her tummy, she is also on some antibiotics to help with any sort of infection that may come her way. As of today, there has not been any of the bile/stool pulled out of her belly, which is a very good sign. Her x-rays have not shown any trouble with her intestines, so hopefully in a couple days we might get to hold her again and maybe put her back on a small dose of momma’s milk. The nurses weighed her last night and she was 1lb 14oz / 840g which is all of 2oz / 40g over birth weight. All things considered, that is pretty good. There have not been any dirty diapers yet since Thursday when they discovered the problem, but there has been bowel sounds heard. Hopefully there will be one soon and she can learn how to do that sort of thing.

As Dr. Nau mentioned last night, there are many positives right now. We all need to remember to stay positive, patient, and remember that we are dealing with a very strong little girl. God bless all of you, and happy 2 weeks birthday, Miss McKenna.


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