Baby Is Here


3 Weeks Old

Daddy and Mommy decided that their little girl should write the update this week because I am the one that knows exactly what is going on with me these days and to give them a break. First things first, I would personally like to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts and prayers. I never thought I could touch so many of you. OK, back to me. I am getting a little bigger these days. On Wednesday night, my nurse weighed me and I tipped the scales at 2lbs 1oz. Even without Mom’s milk, I am growing and gaining weight. This past week, as you all know since Dad told the whole world, I had a poopie diaper. I can’t say that I was as thrilled about it as he was, but who am I to tell him that he is a little odd sometimes. I do feel a lot better this week after they got all that yucky stuff out of my tummy. One of the other things I like to do is “kangaroo” with Mom and Dad. I have been fortunate enough to be able to do this with Mommy 4 times now and once with Daddy. I was very surprised about how hairy Dad is, that stuff tickled my little face and it was kinda fun to try and pull it out. Once in awhile, just for something to do, I quit breathing. A bunch of lights start flashing, alarms go off, and the nurses come to my rescue. I’m not exactly sure why I do this, but it’s always amusing to get everyone’s attention. Daddy told me the other night that he’ll give me all the attention that I want and that I don’t have to do that anymore. I really like all of my nurses and doctors. They are very nice to me even though I don’t really care for all the poking and prodding that they do to me. All those heel sticks to draw my blood and test my blood sugars are getting a bit old. The results have been fine the last how many times, so why do you have to keep doing that to me? You have all gotten pretty used to my behaviors. I usually squirm around a bit if I don’t like the way I am positioned or I set off some of the alarms so that you come in and see me. On Thursday, Dad caught me scooting in my bed, so they had to wrap me up in a blanket. I usually like to stretch out and not be contained, but sometimes it is nice to be all bundled up. Hopefully for a birthday present, Dr. Nau will let me have mom’s milk again. That stuff was good and I really enjoy when they give me that. I promise that I’ll have more poopie diapers if I can PLEEEAAASSSE have my milk back. Last but not least, I really enjoy when Mom and Dad are there to spend time with me. I love to hear their voices. I keep hearing them talk about how cold it is. I’m not exactly sure what they are talking about since where I live it is always warm. Most of the time, unless my nurse puts one of those cute little shirts on me, I usually just hang out with just my diaper on. But, then again, I like being nice and toasty. Well, that’s all for now. I am getting tired and should probably get some rest. Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers, and hopefully in a couple months I’ll get to go to this place Mommy and Daddy keep calling “home”. I’m not sure where that’s at or what it is, but it sure sounds nice and I can’t wait. Stay warm out there because there isn’t room in here for all of you. Love to all.


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