Got Milk??
Yesterday on McKenna’s 3-week birthday, she started to receive her mommy’s milk again, just like she asked. The doctors are starting her pretty low again so that her body can adjust to back to that yummy stuff. As she tolerates the feedings they will increase and then begin decreasing her PVN and lipids. Once she is on full feedings they will be able to remove her PICC line and she will start having a lot less wires and tubes attached to her. On Saturday they were giving her 2cc’s every 6 hrs and now they are giving her 2cc’s every 3 hrs, so they have already doubled her milk. Also, babies that are receiving mother’s milk tend to become less dependent on the vent. So, hopefully there will be some changes soon for McKenna. Dad just completed his 2nd “kangaroo” session and it was just as great as last time.
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