Baby Is Here


Ups and Downs

As McKenna has reached 3 ½ weeks old today, there have been quite a few ups and downs. On Saturday, they had started her back on the milk and on Monday took her back off of it because they say a change in her bowel on the x-ray. Tuesday they took her off of the oscillator vent (short puffs of air) and put her on a conventional vent (big deep breaths) to make her breath more on her own which she has been doing a great job of. Last night through the night they decided that because of her blood gas results weren’t what they wanted, they switched her back to the oscillator. After talking to Dr. Nau this morning, he doesn’t consider the vent change a bad thing. She just wasn’t ready for that kind of a change yet. You really don’t know how she is going to react to these changes unless they try. The good news is that there was another “deposit” in her diaper last night and her bowel looks good on the x-ray so they are going to start her back on the milk again today. She will be getting 2cc’s every 4 hours. It’s not that much to start out with, but as we know, they will increase it as much as possible when they can. As long as they can keep giving her as much milk as she can handle, it won’t be long until she makes it to 3 pounds.


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