Baby Is Here



Hopefully there are some of you reading this that enjoyed the title as much as I enjoyed hearing the news last night when we called McKenna's nurse. What a wonderful birthday present that our precious little girl gave to her momma last night. Not only did she get to 5lbs, she is at 5lbs. 1.3oz. WHAT A WHOPPER! So, she has definitely proved that she can gain weight and now she just needs to learn how to eat. This morning her nurse gave her a bottle since she was wide-awake, low and behold, she took 25cc. Currently, she's getting right around 50cc's every 3hrs so we are very impressed that on her 2nd try, she took half of a feeding from a bottle. If she keeps this up, she'll be 6lbs and home with us. She gained this pound in just under 2 weeks. It's hard to believe that nearly 3 months ago, this little girl was battling for her life and well under 2lbs. We have come so far. Like someone told me this week..."Pretty soon, you'll know what it's like to be a real parent." In so few of words, I said, "I think I already know." Not many parents our age know what it feels like to have to bury one of their children, or know what it's like to spend week in and week out in a NICU wondering for many of those weeks if our second child was going to make it, much less both. Even though I am a bit biased, maybe we are the real parents. Thanks for listening to me vent, but I am going to step down off of my soapbox now. I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful week.


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