Baby Is Here


A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

That’s right folks, it’s just a little glimpse of this beautiful light, but we see it. Of course it will probably still be a week or two until the big day gets here, but we’re trying to stay patient and trying to stay focused. McKenna is gaining weight like crazy these days. As of this morning, she weighed 4lbs 15.5oz. Sorry to disappoint, but just hitting the 5lb mark doesn’t immediately mean that she gets to come home. She needs to learn to take her full feedings by either breast or bottle. Her and mommy have been nuzzling a couple times a day to give her some time to practice and then on Friday, McKenna got her first bottle and she took 11cc’s on her very first try!! It’s not much to most of you, but this is major league business in her world. We were very happy with how that went and hope that her progress with eating can go as well as everything else. She is still 3 weeks away from being a full term baby, so she’s not supposed to know some of these things yet, and like anything else in life, it’s just going to take time, practice, and patience. If I had a dollar for every time the word patience went through my brain or rolled across my lips, I’m pretty sure I’d be a pretty rich man. Right now more than ever, the P word is wearing thin. Since today makes McKenna 12 weeks old, today is also Suzanne’s birthday. I won’t tell you how old she is, but happy birthday honey. I love you!!


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