Baby Is Here


Prematurity Awareness Month

We were sent this email today about Prematurity Awareness Month. Quite fitting since both of our babies were born in November and both very premature. Along with the email was a video that someone has put together to add awareness for the March of Dimes and what they are trying to help prevent or stop all together and that is premature birth. Click the link on the right side called 'Prematurity Awareness Month Video' and it should start loading. The video may take a little while to load, but for any of you that have been following our story, it is definitely worth the wait. As I watched this, I couldn't help but to cry. Maybe some day McKenna can be on a video like this and unfortunately there are way to many babies like Ian. The March of Dimes is doing a wonderful thing. If you come across any of their activities please participate. I am certain that we will be participating in the RIDE again next year. Take care and we send our love to all.


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