Baby Is Here


Evan Joseph Felton

Evan joined the ever growing Felton family Sunday night (5/6/07) at 7:15pm. He weighed 8 lb. 3 oz. and is 20 inches long. He was delivered via C-section and it turns out that may have saved little Evan's life. The cord was wrapped around his neck 4 times. He struggled to breath right out of the gate but they didn't waste any time getting him going. He was under an Oxygen hood up until last night when Dan and Amanda were finally able to hold their beautiful little boy. Amanda is quite a trooper. She has barely complained of any pain even though this baby has been kicking her butt that last couple of weeks. If all continues to go well, they all should be heading home tomorrow some time. Dan, as your "little" brother, I've been waiting patiently for a long time to see you as a Daddy. "Squiggs" couldn't be any luckier than to have you as his Dad. Take care of that little fella! I'll be posting pictures of Evan as soon as possible. Love to all.


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