Baby Is Here


New Pictures

Can you believe it, 2 posts in a month? I am trying to go back to my old ways and update as often as possible. I wanted to let everyone know that there are new pictures in 2 different albums Summer 07 and Flying Baby. Please don't report us to DHS because McKenna really does like her "throw the baby" sessions. All I have to do is ask her, "throw the baby" and she says, "Yeah, yeah". So we go upstairs put down a landing pillow and toss her onto the bed. As soon as she hits the pillow, all you hear is, "again, again". As you can see by the smiles on her face, she really does love it.

I would like to send out a special congratulations to Tina & Randy who got married this last weekend, and to Josh & Abigail who will be married this weekend in DeKalb, IL. Take care and love to all.


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